Tuesday 11 June 2013

How to find device manager and get device manager in Windows XP?

How to find device manager and get device manager in Windows XP?

You follow below steps to find and get device manager in Windows XP.

There are two methods to find device manager in Windows XP.

First method:

  1. Click on Start Menu.
  2. Then right click on My Computer and then click on Properties.
  3. After that click on Hardware tab.
  4. Then click on Device manager button,and then device manager window opens.
  5. Then close device manager window.

Second method:

  1. Click on Start Menu.
  2. Then click on Control Panel.
  3. After that click on Systems.
  4. After that click on Hardware tab.
  5. Then click on Device manager button

This is how you can find and get device manager in Windows XP.

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